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Tracy French

Google Voice voicemail and text 

(760) 410-8268


US Mail

1460 W. San Marcos Blvd

San Marcos, CA 92078


Student Support Hours

Tuesdays 3:15-4:00



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About Me

1.  What is your favorite animal?  Hard to choose between the elephant and the octopus.  They are both fun to draw!

2.  Where did you go to college?  I started at CSU, Long Beach and finished at CSU, San Marcos.  My degree has an emphasis in Visual and Performing Arts and a focus on Middle Level Education.  

3.  What is your favorite color?  This is impossible to answer!  It changes almost as often as the color of my hair.

4.  How long have you been teaching?  This is my 21st year as a teacher.  In those 21 years, I've taught every grade from K-12th.  I spent most of that time teaching Art, Drama, or Humanities, but I was also HTMNC's Dean of Students.

5.  Do you have any children?  I have one amazing daughter named Alice. She is my favorite person in the world.  

6.  What is your favorite aspect of teaching?  I value the connections I make with students so that I can be present for their most profound learning moments.

7.  What is your favorite candy?  See's Candy Peanut Butter Crunch.  It's a family tradition.

8.  Who was your favorite teacher?  That is a toss up between Mrs Reynolds (5th Grade) and Mr. Rossi (9th Grade English).  Both teachers were passionate and cared deeply about their students.  Neither of them ever let me get away with anything but my best.

9.  What do you collect?  Art of course!   

10. Which artists are you most inspired by? Alice Cavenaugh, Audrey Kawasaki,  Swoon, Mab Graves, Hope Gangloff, and my students!


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